
Thursday, 25 February 2021

Room 8 behaviour matrix 2021


This is my class's behaviour matrix for 2021. We created these rules for Rm 8 students to follow them where they go, if you sign the matrix then you have to follow the rules about the behaviour you show, if you don't then it mean that you won't be showing these behaviour wherever you go! I signed it so which means that I need to show these behaviour!!

Behaviour in the corridors using the big 4 (2021)


These are the behaviours that TPS has for their corridors. Please encourage others to follow there rules because it matters!

1st day of tech

 On 26th of Feb, the year 7 & 8’s from Tamaki Primary School hopped on the bus to ride to Tamaki College for technology. When we arrived we got into our groups, I was in group B with Mr Grundy. I had my friends and some of my classmates, other students from different classes in my group too.

We were introduced to our 1st technology teacher, Mr Grungy. He makes toys out of small pieces of wood. It looked marvelous when I took one step into our new class! We were told to draw a sketch of eight toys we want to make, I drew: a skateboard, a jewelry tree, a piano, a box, stove, m&m dispenser, and 2 more.

I enjoyed drawing my toys and also exploring all the amazing toys that our teacher made! I just can't wait to go again next week!

Inquiry research project- personal hygiene

By Janefia,Marlene,Htoo Say and Maia

This is what our project is about. It is about personal hygiene, we searched questions about our topic then we answer it. I have learned a lot of information/facts about our personal hygiene... hope you learnt something new too!


 Piki atu ki te taumata o toku maunga, ka kite au i te mana, i te ihi o te whenua nei no oku tupuna

Ko airplane & boat te waka

Ko Maungarei te maunga

Ko Pacific Ocean te moana

Ko Falefa te awa

Ko Moataa te iwi

Ko Savai’i te marae

Ko Auckland, Panmure te kainga

Ko Wilco te papa

Ko Pepesina te mama

Ko Sam & Wein toku teina

Ko Siaosi toku tuakana

Ko Junefia toku ingoa

No reira tena koutou

Tena koutou, tena koutou katoa