
Wednesday, 29 May 2019

coding with Miss Ashley

 Height is what changes how high your images are or your words.

 IMG means that is is a image
 Width is how wide your work is,you take one or two numbers off after it

Font is what the writing looks like.

Wednesday, 22 May 2019

what are the perspective

Statement: Students should be allowed cellphones at school.
Agree/for/pro/positive side
Disagree/against/con/negative side
  1. Only use for translation
  2. Use for devices if there is no devices
  3. Some schools are allowed cellphones
  4. Parents let them to have it
  5. Call for emergency

  1. Text each other
  2. They’re  to littie
  3. Share other secrate  
  4. Watch disrespectful videos
  5. Give it to someone else as a present

Select your opinion: PRO OR CON.

Write one paragraph for each of your reasons.
Some sentence beginnings you can use
  • My first reason is that...
  • My second reason is that...
  • Another reason why i think that…
  • Most people would agree that…
  • An important factor to consider is…
  • Additionally,
  • furthermore

Start here:
My first reason why I disagree,because I believe that none of the students are allowed cellphones at school,just because they have one they are still not allowed it at school.Students will text each other with bad language and will comment to their parents  on their cellphone.

Students are to small and little to have their own cellphone in the school,only allowed it at home if their parents say so.Teachers will send the kids to the principal's office in about one and a half a day.

If students have cellphones,they will always share other type of work or share other different secrates.

This is one of a picture on google that is telling other students that they are not allowed any cell phones.


Sunday, 19 May 2019

Wednesday, 15 May 2019

museum recount

On Tuesday morning,Tamaki Primary School had  a great wonderful huge exciting trip to the Auckland Museum,the first thing we had to do was to have a brake of while we were listening to the rules about  our behaviors in the Auckland Museum."Can't wait till I get inside"I whispered.

When we got inside it was outstanding like a queen in a beautiful dress,all the interesting work we had learnt about was in that big Museum like the man and his humongous Moa in a glass,Volcano stones,and a lot of pounamu.

My favourite Volcano stone was the musical long stone,it made a deep pitch sound that echoed around the room,after,a couple of children went inside a empty room with a tv."OMG" it was scary and sad because of that whole news coming on news hub.

In another room with a lot of special insects around the world,it was shocking,incredible and amazing,I loved that whole entire trip and I loved the interesting ideas from the teachers.

Wonderopolis about Van Allen belts